Potty training. Ughhhh. I have to admit, this has been my least favorite part of motherhood. It requires the patience of Job and a lot of excess cleaning. I have two boys, kudos to you girl mamas out there. Maybe someday I'll write an 800 page book about the ups and downs of this entire "ditch the diaper journey", but for today I'll just enlighten you with this miraculous invention that changed my life.
Resurfacing in society is one of the many badges of honor you earn when potty training your kid. If you've been there, you know exactly what I mean. I'm talking about that first outing in their big boy (or girl) undies. Anxiety level 1,000. First off let's talk about the car seat. God forbid they have an accident in that... you're talking at least three hours of work washing, drying, and reassembling. Do we even need to discuss public bathrooms? Gross. Even the clean ones. Toddlers have a sixth sense when it comes to finding germs and grime.
For the first six months after house breaking my son, I had this sense of dread anytime we left home. I wanted him to succeed, but also hated taking him into public restrooms. Outings were limited to 2-3 hours and required pit stops at our house so he could safely take care of business. One day I was chatting about these issues with another mama friend, and she changed my life. She told me about her car potty.
This concept is so simple, I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner. Put the training potty in your trunk, backseat, floorboard, hatchback, whatever! BAM! Instant, toddler sized, port-a-potty.

Here is a link to the exact one I used. https://a.co/d/1WL6FZk I would give it 10/10 stars, but that still wouldn't be enough. The legs of this travel potty fold up, so that it's almost completely flat. It fits perfectly underneath a seat when not being used. You can also flip the legs outward, and this seat will fit securely on top of an average size toilet seat. Refill liners are available online, and they are essentially a thick plastic grocery bag with a super absorbent/giant maxi pad in the bottom. Your child takes care of business in your trunk, you tie up the sack and throw away at the nearest trash can, easy as that! No germs, no automatic flushers, and no loud hand dryers.
I'm still not sure how something so cheap and simple can change your life, but this concept did exactly that for my life as a mom. I had my freedom again! Your car is never that far away from you. You can confidently go about your day, knowing that you are prepared, and there is a clean "bathroom" nearby. Don't even get me started on the convenience this brought us for long road trips, too! Game.Changer.
Mamas, here is your silver lining. Climb out of those potty training trenches. Slap some Paw Patrol Undies on your toddler and take them to Chick-fil-a to celebrate. You've both put in the work and now it's time to go earn your badge.